Tuesday 11 March 2014

Arguing for a Digital Pedagogy

Reflection on a Digital Pedagogy

The following summary outlines Howell’s (2012) argument on why teachers need a digital pedagogy.  

  • Given the role of technology in today’s society, by establishing a digital pedagogy, teachers recognize its importance and relevance within their learners’ daily lives.  
  • Teachers must develop a personal digital pedagogy based on their attitudes towards and aptitudes with technology.   
  • This foundation provides support for carefully incorporating appropriate technological tools that match specific learning contexts and student needs.  
  • These needs include “big picture” objectives that justify teachers adopting digital pedagogies and integrating technology into their teaching and learning contexts.

Reading: Howell, J. (2012). What is a digital pedagogy and why do we need one? Teaching with ICT: Digital pedagogies for collaboration and creativity (pp. 3-17). South Melbourne, Victoria: Oxford University Press. Retrieved from: http://interact.csu.edu.au/access/meleteDocs/content/private/meleteDocs/EML515_201430_B_D/uploads/Readings/Howell,%20Jennifer%20(2012).%20Teaching%20with%20ICT%20-%20Chapter%201.pdf

The continued growth of transformative technologies within our daily lives should be reflective in our evolving teaching pedagogy.   A digital pedagogy is developed through an open attitude towards technology and willingness to explore new possibilities that may be embedded within our classrooms as they emerge.

A digital aptitude (inclination/tendency) is grounded in theoretical understanding.  Understand the learning theories attached to digital pedagogy, the learning opportunities it affords and the learning outcomes that are expected will influence what teaching strategies and implementing technology choices.

Technology choice needs to be justified: what type of learning results from their use?  What types of learning styles do technologies favour or enhance?  Apart from new content knowledge, are other skills acquired working with technology?

Five “Big Picture” Reasons for a Digital Pedagogy:

  1. Our Global Information Society:  a knowledge-based society based on the investment in intellect and creativity.  Teachers have the duty to prepare students to be successful, contributing members.
  2. A Need for Digital Preparedness:  digital competence, confidence and critical use of ICT for employment.
  3. Not everyone is a digital native:  although the use of digital technologies is widespread, it has been most commonly a recreational not scholastic pursuit.
  4. Engage and motivate students: strategy that capitalizes on the inclinations (predisposition) of the user enjoyment for using technology. Learners find activities that involve technology more engaging and motivating.  The range of technologies available ensures their applicability across students’ phases of learning.
  5. Life-long learning.  Exposure to technologies is a prerequisite to carry over to post-schooling life.  Incorporating digital technologies develops digital literacy to help them critically evaluate the technological choices.
Although I have not been in a teaching context that has promoted the use of technology, the more I think about it, the more I see value in doing so if my teaching context can support its implementation.  More on that in my next post..... I need a cookie.

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